先を争う 1の英語
- 1. fall over one another [each other]
2. rival for priority
3. rival someone for priority
4. try to be first 先を争う 2
fall over one another [each other] to〔~しようと〕
- 争う 争う あらそう to dispute to argue to be at variance to compete
- 先を争う rival for priority
- 争う 1 1. battle with 2. lock horns 3. put up a fight 争う 2 【形】 vying 争う 3
- 先を争う〔~しようと〕 【自動】 scramble
- 求めて先を争う fall over one another [each other] for〔~を〕
- 雌雄を争う 1 1. contend for mastery 2. strive for mastery 3. strive for supremacy 雌雄を争う 2 try conclusions (with)〔~と〕
- ~を争う jostle with someone for〔人と〕
- 先を争って~する 1 1. try to be the first to 2. try to get ahead of other people 先を争って~する 2 【自動】 scramble
- 商品販促のため~との契約に先を争う scramble to sign up ~ to promote product
- 皆より利益を上げようと先を争う scramble to show greater profits
- 一分を争う 一分を争う v. fight minutes (見出しへ戻る headword ? 一分)
- 一刻を争う 一刻を争う いっこくをあらそう to race against time
- 一秒を争う seconds count
- 優劣を争う 1. strive for mastery 2. struggle for mastery
- 優勝を争う 優勝を争う ゆうしょうをあらそう to contend for victory